Newsletter of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability

Editor: Claudia Klüppelberg phone: +49 89 289 28211
Center for Mathematical Sciences fax: +49 89 289 28464
University of Technology, Munich
D-80290 Munich,
Germany email:

BERNOULLI NEWS Vol.4, No.1, 1997

From the Editor

From the Editor

As you notice from my address, I have moved to Munich. This newsletter is actually the first project to be realised at my new department and I take pleasure to thank Alfred Schöttl and my secretary Helga Weiss for their enthusiasm and support.

This newsletter is also available on the web and you find the new Munich address on p. 3.

There are several interesting conferences coming soon as for instance the ISI'97 in Istanbul with two interesting satellite meetings. Here BS is traditionally involved. Then there are the SPA conferences, this year in Chile and 1998 in Oregon, USA. Also in 1998 there is an EMS meeting in Vilnius jointly with the Vilnius Conference and you find the extremely interesting program (just finalised) in this newsletter.

The committees of BS take a share in many professional activities, reported in this newsletter. The recently established EARPC also reports an interesting piece of news: it organises a first conference in Korea.

You find details about all these activities and much more in this issue.

Munich, May 5, 1997 Claudia Klüppelberg

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