Schramm lecture

We create a joint IMS-Bernoulli Society lecture in probability and stochastic processes titled the Schramm lecture. For details about the lecture see:

The Schramm lecturer will be selected by the Schramm/Doob Lecture Selection Committee. The lecture will be featured at IMS or Bernoulli Society meetings and is named in honor of Oded Schramm.

Brief biography of Oded Schramm

Oded Schramm (1961-2008) was an extraordinary mathematician whose life was cut short in a tragic hiking accident in September 2008. His work had a profound impact on probability --- he transformed our understanding of planar processes from statistical physics through his introduction of the Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE), tying probability theory to complex analysis in a completely novel way. He also made fundamental contributions to circle packings, random spanning trees, percolation, noise sensitivity of Boolean functions, random permutations and metric geometry.

Oded Schramm received many honors for his work, including:

  • the Erdos Prize in Mathematics in 1996
  • the Salem Prize in 2001
  • the Clay Research Award in 2002
  • the Poincare Prize in 2003
  • the Loeve Prize in 2003
  • the Polya Prize in 2006
  • the Ostrowski Prize in 2007.

He was elected as a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2008. Oded gave many key lectures, including plenary addresses in the 2004 European Congress of Mathematics and the 2006 International Congress of Mathematicians, as well as an invited IMS-Bernoulli Society special lecture at the World Congress in Probability and Statistics held in Singapore in July 2008.

For further information on Oded Schramm, see

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