The Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article in Probability or Mathematical Statistics
The increase in both the  breadth and the mathematical technicality of many areas of specialization in probability and statistics can be mitigated by expertly written survey articles that will communicate an historic perspective on the successes, failures, and general health of important areas, as well as provide young researchers with a point of entry to the frontiers of a given field.  To acknowledge the general importance of such efforts, The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability is pleased to announce the establishment of ``The Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article in Probability or Mathematical Statistics''.

 A prize of 1000€ and official certificate will be awarded biennially, alternating between the respective areas of mathematical statistics and probability.   Awards will be made by recommendations of a prize committee appointed by Bernoulli Council,  based on nominations solicited by the prize committee from the general membership.  Look for future calls for nominations in Bernoulli Newsletter, Bernoulli E-Briefs, ISI Newsletter, and on Bernoulli and ISI web sites.

© Bernoulli Society