Special Volume of Stochastic Processes and their Applications
The special issue of the journal SPA on the occasion of the 2013 International Year of Statistics, edited by Rainer Dahlhaus, Jean Jacod, Per Mykland and Nakahiro Yoshida, can be downloaded free of charge from the SPA website: SPA special issue 2013 - free download.
Posted by Takashi Kumagai, Kyoto
SPA/Elsevier Travel Awards 2013 - Conference on Lévy Processes
The publishing company Elsevier and the journal Stochastic Processes and Their Applications - An Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society - sponsor the conference with two Elsevier Travel Grants worth 500 Euros each. The grants will be awarded to the following young researchers:
Victoria Knopova (Kiev, Taras Schevchenko University and Ukrainian Academy of Sciences)
Nikola Sandrić (University of Zagreb)
Posted by Takashi Kumagai, Kyoto
The third IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meetings
The third IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meetings will take place in Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan, during the period June 30 (Monday) - July 3 (Thursday), 2014.
This meeting series provides an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and Pacific Rim. It also promotes communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world. The program covers a wide range of topics in statistics and probability, presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics and in applications.
For more information, you may contact the program chairs: Byeong U. Park (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Feifang Hu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or visit the conference website.
Announcement of the Itô Prize Winners 2013
The journal Stochastic Processes and Their Applications awards the 2013 Itô Prize to a paper published between 2011 and early 2013, recognizing a significant contribution to the advancement of the theory or applications of stochastic processes. The prize honors the memory and celebrates the legacy of Professor Kiyosi Itô and his vast and seminal contributions to probability theory. The prize consists of a monetary award of $ 5000 and an invited lecture presenting the paper.
The 2013 winning article was selected by the Editorial Board of the journal:
Hirofumi Osada, Interacting Brownian motions in infinite dimensions with logarithmic interaction potentials II: Airy random point field, SPA, 123 (2013), 813-838.
The Editorial Board of SPA congratulates Hirofumi Osada. The Itô Prize Ceremony and the Itô Lecture are part of the Scientific Program of the 36th Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications (July 29 to August 2, 2013, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA).
Posted by Takashi Kumagai, Kyoto
SPA/Elsevier Travel Awards 2013 - Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications
The publishing company Elsevier and the journal Stochastic Processes and Their Applications - An Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society - sponsor the conference with two Elsevier Travel Grants worth 500 Euros each. The grants will be awarded to the following young researchers:
Jian Song (University of Hong Kong)
Alexandre Stauffer (Università Roma Tre)
Posted by Takashi Kumagai, Kyoto
Recent Trends in Stochastic Analysis
"Recent Trends in Stochastic Analysis" will take place at University of British Columbia (Vancouver) from July 22 to 26, 2013. It is the conference cerebrating the 60th birthdays of Martin Barlow and Ed Perkins. The main topics include stochastic partial differential equations, measure valued processes, random walks in random media, Dirichlet forms and diffusions on fractals.
For further information, registration information and list of speakers, please see the conference website. There is limited amount of funding to support the accommodation of students and postdocs. To apply for this support, please have a CV and one letter of reference sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before March 31 (early applications are encouraged).
Posted by Takashi Kumagai, Kyoto
SPA/Elsevier Travel Awards 2012
The publishing company Elsevier and the journal Stochastic Processes and Their Applications - An Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society - awarded four Elsevier Travel Grants for participants of the 8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics in Istanbul from July 9 to 14, 2012, and the Pre-world-congress Meeting of Young Researchers in Probability and Statistics 2012, 6-8 July 2012.
The amounts of 2000 Euros are distributed to the winners depending on actual travel costs. The grants were awarded to the following young researchers:
Omar Boukhadra (Université de Constantine, Algeria)
Jiang Hu (Northeast Normal University, China)
Xinpeng Li (Shandong University, China, and Universie Paris 1 Panthen-Sorbonne, France)
Ali Mohammadian Mosammam (University of Zanjan, Iran)
Summary of the SPA Sponsorship Agreement between the Bernoulli Society and Elsevier
Based on recent discussions the Bernoulli Society decided, with authorization from Elsevier, to publish details of the SPA Sponsorship Agreement.
Bernoulli Awards Ceremony and General Assembly 2012
During the World Congress in Istanbul, Turkey the awards ceremony and general assembly will take place on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 from 18:10 until 19:00.
The agenda:
1. Presentation of Awards 2. Statistics2013 & MPE13 3. Report on Journal Publications 4. Executive & Standing Committee Membership 5. Survey of Bernoulli Sponsored Conferences & Workshops
A wine and cheese reception will follow 19:00 – 19:30
Schramm lecture
We create a joint IMS-Bernoulli Society lecture in probability and stochastic processes titled the Schramm lecture. For details about the lecture see: http://imstat.org/Schramm/
The Schramm lecturer will be selected by the Schramm/Doob Lecture Selection Committee. The lecture will be featured at IMS or Bernoulli Society meetings and is named in honor of Oded Schramm.